Aug 28, 2015

Blue Alps 60%

with Apple keycaps and a dream.

After a long time of staring at this collection of parts, I finally got the time to put everything together. I couldn’t be happier with the results, and I took a few pictures to share with everyone here. My Blue Alps 60%:

I got parts from all around.

Specifically the PCB is from Hasu’s 60% Alps PCB Group Buy

The plate is an AEKII plate, cut by Nubbinator

The keycaps are from an AEKII bought from XMIT

The case is a TEX Acrylic I bought from Massdrop.

And finally the switches are Blue SKCM also purchased from XMIT.

I am incredibly happy with the board. The Blue Alps are fantastic to type on. They have no comparison to a lowly Blue MX switch. The click is perfectly aligned with the actuation, they are smooth, and the sound is incredible. I am currently just running the stock flashed TMK firmware on the keyboard, so I still need to adjust the board for FN layers and my preferred layout. I have yet to tinker with TMK firmware, so I imagine it will be a little while before I can take the time to get to it.